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Advanced Sight Test Redhill and Reigate eye studios


An Optomap® using Optos® Daytona literally gives you a 200° field of view of your retina. This is massive compared to traditional retinal photography which only gives a 45° view.


To give you a perspective, the image shows the difference between the traditional retinal photography photo against the view made available by the Optomap® - The Optomap® image allows for a 5 times wider field of view and has the facility to take autofluorescence images; a cutting edge imaging technique allowing for early detection of retinal disease which may not be otherwise evident.


We pride ourselves on offering our patients the very best standards in eye care possible! 

Common conditions a regular OCT scan can check for and monitor the progression for are:

  • Age-Related Macular Degeneration – the leading cause of blindness in the UK.
  • Diabetes – with over 4 million people now diagnosed in the UK.
  • Glaucoma – a condition causing damage to the optic nerve.
  • Vitreous Detachments – a painless condition that can cause blindness.
  • Macular Holes – a small hole in the part of the retina that can cause a loss in sharp and detailed central vision.

This ground-breaking piece of technology enables us to capture detailed 3D scans of the layers that make up the back of your eyes. These 3D images allow our optometrist to identify the slightest changes to the insides of your eyes with unprecedented precision and diagnose the first symptoms of vision-threatening conditions.

The technology also means we can keep a close eye on your visual health history, as we can compare previous scans to track changes to your eyes as they mature.

What will happen in my eye test?

A thorough eye examination includes both a full health check and a vision check. The vision check will involve seeing charts both at a distance and up close with the optometrist correcting the vision to as best as possible using a range of techniques. When checking the health, the optometrist will perform a series of tests to check your field of vision, intra-ocular pressures as well as an anterior and posterior examination of the health of the eye. These tests can highlight early signs of potential health problems such as high blood pressure, glaucoma, diabetes, and cataracts.

In today’s environment, our eyes are under more strain than ever before. Mobile phones, Tablets, Computers, TV screens…. it’s unavoidable.

We test your vision and make spectacles to suit your lifestyle, to the distances you require, and carefully select the coatings or tints to best protect your eyes and suit your needs

Regular examinations are important since your eyes can provide a ‘window’ to your general health. The whole family can benefit from regular eye examinations and we strongly recommend this – regardless of the need for vision correction.

Our eye care professionals will also advise you on how frequently your eyes should be tested.

Advanced Sight tests

​Dry Eyes

Dry Eye Disease is a common condition affecting people of all ages. It occurs when your eyes do not make enough tears or the tears produced are of a poor quality therefore unable to keep the surface of the eye sufficiently lubricated.

The common symptoms of dry eye are itchiness, redness, and irritation, and sometimes even streaming eyes. It is a chronic and progressive disease so proper diagnosis and management are necessary to alleviate the symptoms.​

Dry Eye Assessments provide an in-depth examination of the tear film using specialist dyes to identify the cause of the dry eye symptoms, followed by a comprehensive treatment plan which could include drops, heat therapy, cleaning regimes, or even more specialist treatments like lid debridement, lacrimal drainage or punctum plugs. â€‹

Am I entitled to an NHS-funded eye test?

According to the NHS, if you fall under the following categories, you would be entitled to an NHS Eye Exam:

· Aged under 16

· Aged 16, 17 or 18 and are in full-time education

· Aged 60 or over

· Been diagnosed with diabetes or glaucoma

· 40 or over, and your mother, father, brother, sister, son or daughter has been diagnosed with glaucoma

· receive Income Support

·receive Income-based Jobseeker's Allowance (not Contribution-based)

· receive Pension Credit Guarantee Credit

For a full list click here

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